Modern Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe
Only the presenter of the paper will receive funding!
1. Travel Costs
Each of the eligible participants will be reimbursed for travelling costs.
You will be reimbursed based on your exact travel costs (value added tax is excluded). To receive your reimbursement please bring with you:
You are entitled to receive financial support for your traveling expenses up to 300 € maximum. The amount is related to your travel distance:
up to 100 € if your working place distance is < 500 km from Berlin
up to 200 € if your working place distance is > 500 km and < 1000 km from Berlin*
up to 300 € if your working place distance is > 1000 km from Berlin
(Please note that we will check the figures).
In case your travel costs exceed 300 € you have to ask the organising committee for permission.
In general, the cheapest way of transport, without any detours, has to be chosen. Costs of taxi transfer cannot be covered. We kindly ask you to send your original tickets back to Mrs. Zerjeski, IAMO, Theodor-Lieser-Str. 2, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany, after you returned to your home country after the conference.
* participants from Hungary will be reimbursed within the category >500 and <1000 km
2. Living Allowances
Your full presence at the two conference days provided: Each of the eligible participants will receive a total lump sum of 150 € for the whole conference. With this amount you have to cover accommodation costs (hotel, hostel), travel costs within Berlin (public transport) and meals (however take into account that you will get lunch at the conference and a social dinner is planned for the first conference day) and all other costs which arise.
Please note:
You will get funded for the three days: Two full days when conference takes place (14th-15th of January 2009) and 2 half days for your arrival (13th of January) and departure days (16th of January). We will not block you from staying in Germany or Berlin longer. But please pay attention that you will have to cover the costs for this stay from your own budget. This is a good opportunity to stay in Berlin at least until Saturday and attend the Forum International Green Week (former East-Western Agricultural Forum).