Motorsports are an exciting and entertaining pastime, but anyone who is involved with them should know that there is always a possibility of an accident. Because of that, it is vital that any motorsport event be properly equipped for the event of an emergency.
Here we have full medical expertise in relation to a wide range of different motorsport disciplines including grass track, quad bikes and motor cross. Our specially-trained team is fully aware of the accidents and injuries that may take place during events of this type, and ready and willing to lend assistance should it be necessary.
Motorsports experts and enthusiasts will be aware that these events come in a wide range of different shapes and sizes, with many different motor vehicles involved. It is absolutely essential that qualified experts be on hand to solve any problems that may arise.
In addition, we have covered a wide number of corporate events such as dealer days and vehicle launches. Do not forget that these events also require medical cover, and our capabilities and experience will be just the thing for the job.
Finally, our in house fleet of ambulances includes four wheel drive vehicles, something that is essential for operating efficiently at many motorsport events.
For more information on our event medical services enquire today by calling 0117 290 1290 or email us at