Even though water looks safe, there is a possibility that it may have hidden dangers for people in and around it. Even competent swimmers can get into difficulty, in conditions that on the surface look safe.

Some of the issues that may cause problems occur when:

  • Water is extremely cold
  • There are dangerous hidden currents
  • The banks are deep, or there is a high wall or slippery surface
  • Water is deeper than was first thought
  • There is pollution that causes discomfort or illness

Because we can never be 100 percent secure when it comes to activities around water(There were 381 weater related deaths in the UK during 2013), it is vital to take safety advice off professionals to avoid disaster.

If you are holding an event, and it includes an activity or activities near or on the water, then some degree of safety is required. If the event will attract people to a lake, river or canal, water safety is essential. For anybody that is organising anything that is near water, there is a responsibility for the safety of participants and spectators.

We can help by making available our professional in-house team of Waterside Rescue Technicians. These technicians can be utilised either on their own or in conjunction with agencies that we work in partnership with. We can provide a total range of water safety procedures so that you can hold your event in safety.

It's better to plan ahead when holding a water event. By using one of our water rescue specialists, we can assist in the planning stages. This ensures that every possible safety angle is examined and covered. No matter how big or small your event is we can assist from beginning to end.

For more information on our event medical services enquire today by calling 0117 290 1290 or email us at info@mace-events.org.